3 Ways After-hours Dispatch Service Beats Out Call Centers 

It’s the reality of our global, information-driven world: today’s businesses strive to provide as many options for fast-paced, on-demand, round-the-clock service as possible. They want to meet all of their customers’ needs and get ahead in their respective industries. Because of this, both retailers and consumers have less and less patience for delays and long […]

4 Common Mistakes Dispatchers Make

When you think about dispatching, what comes to mind? Someone on the phone, behind several computer screens, talking and dispersing information is what many people imagine. Maybe a 911 dispatcher comes to mind saying, “911 what’s your emergency?”. The job of a dispatcher differs and depends on what industry the dispatching is done for, however, […]

Dispatch Companies vs. In-house Dispatch: Which one should you pick for your business? 

This week, we want to discuss and compare the differences between hiring a dispatch company vs. doing in-house dispatching.  As one of the industry leaders, Ninja Dispatch has had years of experience working with trucking companies of all sizes. From the small husband-wife owner operator to the large trucking company with a fleet of 100s […]

How much can you make car hauling?

How much money can be made from car hauling? At Ninja Dispatch we take pride in our dispatch service for car hauling. We’re often asked, “how much money can you make by hauling cars?” The answer depends on several factors, but in general we gross between $5,000 – $12,000 per week.  In this article you’re […]

Truck Dispatching Service – What Are The Advantages?

Outsourced Truck Dispatch Services for After Hours

Having a good truck dispatching service in your corner can have added benefits to both small and larger trucking operations. Oftentimes, many business owners just getting into trucking find themselves overwhelmed with the sheer amount of industry lingo, legal requirements, and middlemen that they begin to make huge mistakes. These mistakes then go on to […]

Crisis At The Ports: What’s going on and how is it related to truck dispatching?

Background On The Issue Now more than ever it is crucial that the logistics of US supply chains and truck dispatching are handledprofessionally, with as few errors as possible. However with hundreds of cargo shipspiling up around the US coasts waiting to dispatch, there is an obvious problem and an evenmore obvious solution. Trucks. We […]